Wednesday, April 2, 2008


At first when I was reading this book, I sort of thought that it was a situation between us, South Koreans and North Koreans. In Ender's Game, the generals were selecting the top most intelligent children from the world who could become a successful commender who could lead the army and destroy the aliens. . There were already major wars between the humans and the buggers twice. The selected children are trainded to become a soldier to extirpate the "bugger" aliens and it was Ender who succesfully outraged them. In South Korea and North Korea, men in the age of their twenties are trained to be a soldier in a military in case there is another war. It is essential for all men to attend the military in Korea. I thought that there was a connection between the book and the reality in this country: people in both were preparing for another war.


SusieBang said...

hey Kathie~
Nice post and nice connection. I never thought that this book could relate to our life right now. However, after reading your blog, it connects pretty well to our country, as you said. Since this books was all futuristic and about aliens, I never bothered to think how it could apply to us. It's really cool that you thought of this. Nice job! :D
I also think this can connect to us because these days kids get too much stress compared to how much they are supposed to get. Don't you think so?

Abby Moimoi said...

Nice connection. When I was writing my own post on this question, Korea came to my mine. But I quickly got rid of it because I thought that there were no connections. But after I read your post, I realized there IS actually a connection.
Both N and S Korea are preparing for war, and force men to join the army for at least 2 (? Or is it 1? lol) years, just like you said. This is pretty similar to what happens in Ender's Game.
It is kinda sad don’t you think? Forcing people to learn how to fight. I’m glad I’m not Ender or a Korean man ;)
Good job~