Hermes is had many roles as a god. He is a god of shepherds, cowherds, theives, road travellers, liars, orators/wit, literature/poets, athletics, weights/measures, inventions, commerce and many other roles. He was mainly like a secretry of Zeus. He is the messanger from the gods to humans. And also he lead dead people to the underworld. He plays his roles very successfully so he is liked by many other gods. He was really clever, wise, and precocious. He wears a winged cap with winged sandals (talaria) and carries his Near Eastern herald's staff a symbol of eloquence given from Apollo as a gift. He wore the garments of a travelor, worker or shepherd.
He was born from Zeus and Maia. Maia secretely gave birth in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. She gave birth in a cave so she could avoid Hera's punishment. Hermes is a full god because his father is Zeus the greatest Olympian God and his mother a nymphus is a daughter of Atlas. Therefore Hermes is obviousy a God.
He was very naughty and clever in his young age. On the first day of his birth, he stole his brother Apollo's 50 cows. And he also made an instrument lyre.
Hermes and Hercules have some similarities and also differences. They are similar because they are both son of Zeus born to different mothers. Another, they are referred as both gods. However, Hermes is a true immortal god, Hercules is a mortal god. Although he doesn't fight like Hercules, he is referred as hero to many people. He is the savior/god of theives, liars, cowerds, and many people while Hercules is hero to everyone because he fights against monsters and saves powerless people.
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