Monday, March 31, 2008


The mood of this story is depressing. Ender's Game was really exhilarating and fun full of action. Yet, in the beginning of the story, it starts the story of Ender being a outsider getting bullied by Stilson, the gang. And also later on of the story, he is the outcast again at his new school due to the teachers' plans of creating isolation and frustration. The first isolation that the teachers planned was to complement him on the first day so everyone would hate him due to jeolousy. Later on, they planned isolation again by making him the best soldier by forcing him tasks of battles. Everyone even one of his closest friends turned cold to him. Some people even wanted to kill him. I felt really sorry because Ender always cried out to go back to his home never to become like Peter. Even though he knew the teachers' plans, he couldn't do anything except to follow their plans. He thought of Valentine and missed her every time and cried in sorrow longing to go back. I felt really sorry for him because teachers controlled everything about him. They made Ender into a murderous killer whom Ender never wanted to become to be.


There are too much characters in this book;;;; So I will just write brief descriptions of the
characters who played an important role in this book =]

Ender Wiggins: Ender is the main character of this book. He is the third child of the Wiggins. The third child is somewhat "illegal" in his country because of the population restriction laws. So he is always the outsider in his school and always gets bullied by the gangs. He is offered to transfer to "Battleschool." Battleschool is school where students are tought to be soldiers to fight off evil aliens "buggers." He is really intelligent and adjust to things very well. He is basically controlled by the teachers of the Battleschool: his minds, his behaviours, and where he belongs. He finds a way from the isolation and frustration that the teachers planned and gets promoted and becomes the best soldier in the school. Because he is such an intelligent and respected commender, several people attempts to kill him due to jealousy. He later on, changes; of his personality and thinking. Ender becomes like Peter. He fights and kills. He is miserable whenever he fights. I think that he has the same traits like Peter of violence, but then has the same traits as Valentine of compassionate feelings. Ender outrages all the buggers in the Third Invasion.

Peter Wiggins: Peter is the brother of Ender. He is the first child of the Wiggins. Peter is really mean and always bullied Ender. Although Peter loves Ender, he always says mean things to Ender Wiggins. He is loved by everyone except Valentine and Ender. Valentine and Ender are the only ones who know the true side of Peter. Peter is really nice in the outside, but really mean in inside. Peter deserves to go to the Battleschool and become the best soldier yet he is too brutal and sadistic that he would not be able to take in commend. He is a cruel, atrocious and coldhearted boy. He is so sadistic that he enjoys killing such as squirrels by peeling off their skins and observe them dying. He tries to take over the world with Valentine. He sort of forced Valentine to work with him in a sincere way. I sometimes liked him, and sometimes did not. I first hated him a lot because he bullied his own brother and even said that he was going to kill his siblings. However later on, I began to like him because of his intelligence and wisdom.

Valentine Wiggins: Valentine is the sister of Ender. She is the second child of the Wiggins.
Valentine is a sweet-hearted girl. She loves Ender and Ender loves her. Whenever Ender is
bullied by Peter, she is the one who always protects Ender over Peter. When Ender is sent off to
the Battleschool and he is getting forgotten of his existence, she is the only one who still
remembers and worries of Ender. She is too warm-hearted and compassionate that the generals
thought that she wouldn't be able to destroy the buggers. She is also as brilliant as the others of
her family and she is especially skilled in writing. As Peter offered her to take over the world,
she first rejected but the became to enjoy the actions of taking over the world and then becomes
like Peter in wanting to have power over people and control the world. I liked Valentine because she always loved Ender no matter what.

There are Ender's friends: Alai, Shen, Petra, Dink, and Bean. They played a pretty big role in Ender's life in the school because they were special to him. They encouraged Ender when he was depressed and Ender could trust them to rely. They all help Ender to destroy all the buggers.

There's another character who influenced Ender. It's Colonel Graff. I didn't really like Colonel Graff because he was a self-centered man who didn't care about other's feelings but just used and controlled them. He is the headmaster of the Battleschool and also the member of International Fleet. He monitors and observes kids who have the most possibility of becoming a fighter who whipes off the buggers. He controls Ender to become the chosen one, the best.

-----I know,,, soooo long.....;;;;;;-----

---------- ENDER'S GAME! ----------

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


If I could be a god, I want to be Athena and Eros. Athena is a god of intelligece, war, wisdom, and justic. Also, Athena is beautiful. So I want to be like Athena with intelligence and beauty. Eros is a little God who controls people's minds of love. I would like to control people's feelings of love. It will be really fun and enjoyable to control who will love who and who will hate who. Also, I would get all naughty controling feeling of love. Also, I would like to have his wings. I think flying is really useful and awesome. It is raely possible for humans to have wings like birds and fly. If we could, there would be no cars that take up all my time traveling to places to places because of the stupid traffic jams. So much time will be saved and there would be no air pollution. To conclude, I guess my physica feature would be like goddess Athena full of beauty with carrying Eros' arrows and wings although that will be a wierd combination =P


Medusa is one of the most famous and well-known moster in mythology. Medusa is a Gorgon monster. She had a snake hair with wings. Because of her ugly feature, she turned everyone into stones. She lived in a far North where nobody really knew the exact location. However, Medusa was not a horrible looking monster. She was once a beatiful woman. Medusa and her two sisters were Gorgons and was born to Gaia and Okeanos. The two sisters were born into Gorgons but Medusa was a beautiful woman unlike her sisters. Medusa copulated with Poseidon the god of ocean in the temple of Athena. And she had also insulted Athena that she was more beautiful than her. So Athena got displeased and then cursed Medusa into a ugly monster. She was killed by Perseus. Perseus was ordered by a king because of the king's tempt to destroy Perseus. Perseus the son of Zeus was given weapons such as Hermes' winged sandal, Hades' invisible helmet, Ares' sword that could cut anything, Hera's magic bag that could be put any sizes, and Athena's shield that could reflect Medusa's head without actually seeing her.
Well, anyways Medusa was a monster who destoryed so many people by turning into stones. She was referred as fear from everyone.



Hermes is had many roles as a god. He is a god of shepherds, cowherds, theives, road travellers, liars, orators/wit, literature/poets, athletics, weights/measures, inventions, commerce and many other roles. He was mainly like a secretry of Zeus. He is the messanger from the gods to humans. And also he lead dead people to the underworld. He plays his roles very successfully so he is liked by many other gods. He was really clever, wise, and precocious. He wears a winged cap with winged sandals (talaria) and carries his Near Eastern herald's staff a symbol of eloquence given from Apollo as a gift. He wore the garments of a travelor, worker or shepherd.

He was born from Zeus and Maia. Maia secretely gave birth in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. She gave birth in a cave so she could avoid Hera's punishment. Hermes is a full god because his father is Zeus the greatest Olympian God and his mother a nymphus is a daughter of Atlas. Therefore Hermes is obviousy a God.

He was very naughty and clever in his young age. On the first day of his birth, he stole his brother Apollo's 50 cows. And he also made an instrument lyre.

Hermes and Hercules have some similarities and also differences. They are similar because they are both son of Zeus born to different mothers. Another, they are referred as both gods. However, Hermes is a true immortal god, Hercules is a mortal god. Although he doesn't fight like Hercules, he is referred as hero to many people. He is the savior/god of theives, liars, cowerds, and many people while Hercules is hero to everyone because he fights against monsters and saves powerless people.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Comments to...

Abby Moimoi
Abby Moimoi
Eunice Lee
Stacy Park
Danielle Sim
Susie Bang

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Finally, this is my last entry of the blog and I have saved the 'entry of your choice' option for the latest. :)

I would like to talk about my feelings toward this book. I chose this book because of its fame. I heard that it had won many awards and it has even made into a film movie. Of its fame and popularity, I picked this book and checked out in the library not even reading the summary written on the last page, only trusting its notability.
As I read through this book, I didn't exactly regret that I picked this book, but I wished that it would be more interesting to read. Ray Bradbury used way too much confusing words, metaphors, and sentence structures. Also, there were many science-fictional objects, characters, and settings that were almost impossible for me to imagine in my head.
Also, because it was very difficult to understand fully, it was hard for me to totally concentrate into the book. It made me almost fall into sleep everytime I read the book. I think I fell asleep more than I read the actual book. :P It was like hypnotic (those pills that make you go to sleep).
However, I liked this book because I learned the most important lesson. Importance of reaing books!! Also, this book was interesting for me because it was a whole new subject of book that I have even thought about or read about. It was a good book and I would recommend it to everyone to read this<3


The most meaningful setting that I thought was the last part of the book. This setting was my most meaningful one because this part was the only peaceful happening in the entire book. Despite everything dark and evil, Montag ended and he went to the peaceful village where many people memorized and recited at least one book in their head. Although it was very hard to exactly imagine the setting of the last part, everyone could notice the peace and happiness of the village. The village was full of the book lovers which meant cheer.
Because this book was a science-fiction novel, it was very hard to assume and convieve the settings of this book in my head; especially imagining about the Hound or the weapons that firemen uses.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


As everyone can percieve the mood of this book by reading just at least two pages of this book, it is eerie, constant, depressing and melacholy.
There isn't much turning points in this book. The story is pretty constant. The mood of this book doesn't really vary. The voice and the tone of this book is steady and stable which affects and contributes the mood of this book.
Bradbury used way too much difficult word choices, confusing and ambiguous metaphors that made the book very constant, and difficult to know the meanings of the book. As a result, the book was boring to read without any excitement going on.
There were some turning points such as when Captain Beatty and his firemen were planning to put a bomb into the city to destroy it; Montag kills Captain Beatty; Montag runs away from the Hound; and others. However, without these big turning points in the book, it had rarely any turning and interesting points and was very stable and tedious.
But it was a good and recommending book to read because I could learn an important lesson.