Thursday, February 28, 2008


My second entry! ;)

Ray Bradbury had lots of themes and meanings in his book. As many people mentioned the theme of this book, I think that the theme is Ray Bradbury trying to tell the readers how important reading books are.

Many of the people including I, always say that we don't have enough time to read books. However, we are just making excuses. We have lots of time if we cut down some unimportant things and activities such as watching TV, doing computer, playing videogames, talking on the phone, and so much else. The students including I say that we don't have enough time to read extra books other than for homework and assignments on class. The grown ups say that they are already too busy with their works and don't have enough time to read any books.

For example, in the book, it mentioned about Montag's wife Mildred. She always watched TV on her three-sided walls. And she even had more greed so she demanded her husband to raise more money so that she could actually have a four-sided walls of TV. Everyone can think that she is just a stupid and dumb character. I think that Bradbury used Mildred as a character who shows the stupidness of not reading any books.



SusieBang said...

Nice entry Kathie ;)
I agree with you that the author is trying to tell the importance of books! I don't read a lot of books either, expecially during school days because I'm so busy (I just forget!). I only seem to read in vacations when I don't have the homework, practices, meetings, etc. However, after reading this book, I think I should read more ofthen than just on vacations. It'll help me in gaining more knowledge and not becoming like Mildred :P We should all read lots and lots!!! It's so sad that people these days lost the importance of reading... :(

Abby Moimoi said...

I totally agree with you. I hardly ever read books too because I am too ‘busy.’ I know I am not alone in this. Yet it is so important to read them, like you said. Books give us information, teaches us things and gets us to use our imagination. People may argue that TV does that exact same thing, but it is actually proven that reading books actually enhances our imagination more than watching TV. Like you said books are so important, and I should read them more! I hope our world doesn’t stop reading them and become like the world Guy lived in 0.0 lol
good entry:)

Stacy Park said...

If you have read mine, the way how you think the theme of this book is same as what I have wrote. I also believe that we all have enough time to read books eventhough we are busy. To me, this book gave me an opportunity to think about myself of how much I have been closer to books. I hope this book made you also think about how much you read books. It is easy to avoid books when it is difficult for most of the people to get closer to books. We all should at least try!!^^ And it would have been better if you had put more thoughts and opinion about the theme(reading books).